sábado, 17 de março de 2007

Nicholas Roerich picture

Praise to You, my own Self with infinite energies, conscientious Light and eternal hapiness;
praise to You with Your concret form of universe which essence transends the unfolding of phenomena.
Where You are You and I am I, where You, only, are and I am not, and whore doesn t exists neither You nor I, that is wath I pay homage!
Always I have searched passionately, You and I inside the body. As neither You nor I where found there, only You where found.
Having contemplated You in the form of I, now that I became equalb to You, from me, Your worshipper is going to salut You, me.
As a well unified thought, let be kept the thought in God, universal Lord.Only in this way it is fulfilled in all times and under all circinstances the supreme worship.
Bardo Thoodol


When presenting you this blog, I must tell, first of all, that it is of a spiritual kind, trying to be as open as possible, but at the same time possessing a single line: the line of the Heart, Love an service, felt and lived purely and in a cristal clear way, beyond all religious and even esoteric traditions.
Here we will ( not only myself, but yorselfs also, if you want to) speak about Love, Light and service in their purest and clearest aspects, such as Life is, as simple as a light breeze or as the light of the Sun that shines above us all.
The word ashram doesn t has here any pretention on my behalf, with the meaning usually given to it. Here it means only the center from which this brother of yours, pilgrim in the pats of the Eternal, such as yourselves, exposes what he thinks and feels in the spiritual field, using also transcriptions from books and authors considered useful to this blog.
It only intends to be the place where our heart s Lights shines, lead by the Love of the Divine Being which inhabits within them. Just that.
Amidst all diversity, let s try and be only among the many pats of the eternal return to the immensity of the One.
In the Love of the One we are all One.